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A man with a runny nose found relief after treatment by expert ENT care in Fort Worth, TX

Chronic Rhinitis

If you are suffering from post nasal drip, runny nose that is constant, congestion, coughing and sneezing, you may have a condition called “chronic rhinitis.” This condition is from swelling and irritation in the tissues inside the nose. When the condition is chronic, it’s happening all the time and does not improve.

Quality of life can be impacted in a negative way when you suffer from chronic rhinitis and many people have tried medications and nasal sprays with no improvement.

Chronic rhinitis explainer infographic by Expert ENT Care in Fort Worth, TX

What Symptoms Qualify as Chronic Rhinitis?

Symptoms include:

  • Runny nose that doesn’t stop
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy nose
  • Sneezing that is constant

Viral infections can cause acute rhinitis (runny nose that happens and then goes away when the virus is gone), but when rhinitis persists longer than a few months, we call it chronic rhinitis.

In the case of chronic rhinitis, the nerves that regulate nasal activity inside your nasal passageways become overstimulated and begin sending too many signals to the brain that they feel something. This can cause inflammation inside the turbinates of the nose and cause the symptoms like congestion, nasal drip and runny nose.

What Can RhinAer Do?

The RhinAer procedure uses a temperature-controlled radiofrequency machine to treat chronic rhinitis. This is administered under a local anesthetic during an in-office visit. The benefits include no cuts, no downtime and minimal discomfort during and following he procedure.

Take the quiz HERE to see if you may benefit from RhinAer treatment.

Does it Really Work?

RhinAer can improve your symptoms in as little as 2 to 6 weeks. The patients who saw improvement reported that their symptoms reduced in a meaningful way and that the improvement lasted. Patients surveyed reported that they saw a 58% decrease in runny nose, congestion, itching and sneezing at 12 months following their procedure.

Every person is different, but the improvement was seen in over half of patients who received the RhinAer treatment. Individual results may vary.

Make an Appointment Today

You can schedule your appointment at the ENT office. ENT stands for Ear, Nose and Throat physician.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms and think the RhinAer treatment would be helpful for your runny nose, chronic post-nasal drip, nasal congestion or itchy and sneezy symptoms, seek evaluation and treatment from an otolaryngologist, like Dr. John Fewins, today!

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  • Data on file. Aerin quantitative ENT survey, Nov 2019.
  • Clinical Evaluation of Low Power Radiofrequency Energy Applied to the Posterior Nasal Nerve Area for Symptomatic Relief of
    Chronic Rhinitis (RhinAer Stylus). Aerin Medical Report TR898.