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A woman touching her throat, indicating she might need ENT care in Fort Worth, Texas

What Does an ENT Do? Fort Worth, Texas

An ENT is someone who works in the field of otolaryngology. This means that they treat all issues of the ears, nose, and throat. But what else does an ENT do? Are there procedures that an ENT will treat surgically? Expert ENT Care can explain what an ENT does and what it will mean to be examined and diagnosed by an ENT.

What does an ENT treat?

The name ENT is an acronym for an ear, nose, and throat doctor. Is this the type of doctor that individuals visit for the common cold or flu? No. An ENT is a specialist who treats more severe issues of the ears, nose, and throat, as well as chronic issues. But what does this mean? What type of issues exactly will an ENT treat? Are there other illnesses or diseases that an otolaryngologist can treat? Here are specific issues that will be diagnosed and treated by an ENT.

Infographic showing the relationship between an ENT doctor and an otolaryngologist

Ear Issues

Several types of ear issues require guidance and diagnosis by an ENT. Here are a few examples.

  • Chronic Ear Infections
    An ENT will treat issues of the ear that persist and continue over an extended period.
  • Persistent Hearing Loss
    Some degree of hearing loss may be expected after an injury or exposure to a loud environment. However, for unexplained hearing loss that continues over a longer time, it is crucial to visit an ENT. That way, the issue can be diagnosed and treated.
  • Issues with Balance or Vertigo
    Problems with vertigo or balance could indicate a buildup of fluid in the ear. An ENT can assist with treatment for this type of issue.
  • Ear Pain
    A primary care physician may diagnose an ear infection, but an ENT should address chronic ear pain to maintain proper ear care.

Nasal and Sinus Issues

An ENT also addresses sinus issues.

  • Sinus Infections
    An ENT should treat chronic sinus issues.
  • Sinus Pain
    An otolaryngologist can investigate intense sinus pain.
  • Nasal Obstruction
    No matter what is causing the nasal obstruction, an ENT can help diagnose the problem.
  • Allergies
    An ENT can assist patients with allergy issues and ensure that they are on the right treatment plan for maximum comfort.

Throat Issues

The throat (or larynx) is a part of the body that contains many working systems. An ENT may address some of the following issues in the throat.

  • Swallowing Problems
    An ENT should address significant swallowing issues. Once an infection has been ruled out, an ENT will help treat the problem.
  • Voice Disorders
    An ENT will address any issues with speaking, singing, or other vocalizations. Even opera professional singers are frequent visitors to otolaryngologists. ENTs have specialized equipment like videostroboscopy to see the vocal cords in slow-motion.
  • Diseases of the Throat
    Are you having pain when talking? From laryngitis to throat cancer, an ENT can help diagnose and treat many diseases of the throat.

Infographic showing the hierarchy of a general doctor, primary care physician, and ENT physician

Other Issues that an ENT May treat

Many individuals may not know that an otolaryngologist treats quite a few other issues. These include head and neck care, as well as throat and voice care. Here are some specifics about what types of other issues your ENT will treat.

  • Thyroid Conditions
    Your ENT may treat disorders of the thyroid. Whether your otolaryngologist is treating the thyroid or the parathyroid, those glands are located in the neck, and an ENT is the specialist for the job.
  • Tumors of the head or neck
    Whether treating a benign or malignant tumor, an ENT will be skilled in removing the tumor and providing follow-up treatment.
  • Chronic Diseases of the Head, Neck, or Throat
    An ENT will treat diseases such as tonsillitis, chronic hoarseness, and others.

Pediatric Otolaryngology

Children have issues that differ significantly from those of adults. For example, their sinuses do not ultimately develop until the teen years, so illnesses often manifest in the ears. Pediatric ENTs treat chronic ear infections in children, surgically place tubes in the ears, and help guide parents through the process of treating ear, nose, and throat issues in children. Dr. Fewins has children of his own, and has a special ability to relate to children going through issues with their hearing, sinuses and voices.

Expert ENT

In the Fort Worth area, Dr. John L. Fewins, MD, FACS at Expert ENT, is your best bet for ENT care. Dr. Fewins is adept at treating any issues with the ear, nose, or throat. Do you still have questions? Visit our page of glowing testimonials he has received. Dr. Fewins is the clear choice for ear, nose, and throat problems.  A member of the Texas Association and American Academy of Otolaryngology for Head and Neck Surgery, as well as a member of the Texas Medical Association, Dr. Fewins is undoubtedly qualified to treat all issues of the ears, nose, and throat. Not only that, he is fluent in English and Spanish and is a down-to-earth family man who cares for his patients as he would his own family. For more information, visit our website today. Or contact us to schedule an appointment.

